A common goldendoodle question
This is a question we have recieved alot, in our business at Cedar Doodles. So we wanted to go over it so you can understand truly what it is to have a hypoallergenic dog. Too often people just say " I need a dog that doesn't shed, but forget to look for these key things.
The foundation of a golden doodle.
Let's start with the basics, what makes a goldendoodle a goldendoodle. We will look at the two parent breeds and what makes up their coats.
Golden retriever coats are made of fur- which holds dander. These dogs have a double layered coat that sheds 2x/year.
Poodle coats consist of hair. This doesn't have dander, and these dogs in place of shedding require grooming. This type of coat is what people describe when they are looking for a hypoallergenic dog. The hair, is an allergy friendly coat.
The goldendoodle coat cross
When these parent breeds ( the golden retriever and the poodle are crossed) it creates a mixed breed that has a mixed coat. Part retriever and poodle. This would be an F1 goldendoodle. Someone purchasing this dog may find that it has some shedding. That would be true, because it would theoretically have 50% hair and 50% fur. Someone that purchases the next generation will find that the coat has less shedding, as it would be 75% hair and 25% fur. This continues as the generations are crossed with a poodle. It's important to remember that the more poodle the more hypoallergenic the coat is, due to the higher percentage of hair.
Goldendoodle coats and families with allergies.
If someone has severe allergies we would always recommend having a dog that is at least an F1b (75% poodle, 25% golden retriever) or higher in percentage of poodle, such as a multigen. A multigen is where both parents are goldendoodles and have a high percentage of poodle , that would fall into the 80-85%.
It is important to remember that when looking for a goldendoodle puppy that is allergy friendly, goldendoodles need to have both copies of furnishings. Furnishings are what make a goldendoodle hair tight ( less likely to shed) and give them their signature fluffy look.
If the goldendoodle sheds, I'm allergic.
Where goldendoodle puppy breeders do their best to do their homework with goldendoodle puppies, it is still important to remember that even with a very high percentage of poodle they may loose some 'hair' . This doesn't mean they aren't hypoallergenic and good for families with allergies. It just means they are a living creature. We find that a human sheds more than most goldendoodles.
How much do goldendoodles shed?
Examples of shedding in different generations.
Golden Retriever: Heavy shedding, seasonal shedder
F1: First generation goldendoodle: mild to moderate shedding
F1b generation goldendoodle: minimum to mild shedding
F1bb generation/multigen: minimum shedding.
Your Mini Teddybear Goldendoodle Puppy breeder knows their dogs.
This is where it is key to purchase a goldendoodle puppy from someone who knows what they are doing. A goldendoodle breeder know the coats of their parent dogs, the percentage of their coats and the furnishings that correlate. Make sure you purchase a puppy from someone that has done their homework to ensure the best outcome in goldendoodle puppy coats. As always make sure that you are talking with your breeder as you determine what goldendoodle puppy will be the best fit for you.
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